Prof. Andrea Cusano

Univ. of Sannio, Italy

Andrea Cusano received Laurea degree cum Laude in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering and the Ph.D in Optoelectronics from University of Naples (Federico II, Italy). He is currently Associate Professor at the Engineering Department of University of Sannio where he and Prof. Cutolo co-founded the Optoelectronic Group since 2002. He has published over 140 journal articles and 180 refereed conference communications related to the development of new fiber optic and photonic sensors for physical, chemical and biological sensing applications. In this context, he has also co-authored more than 10 chapters published in international books and invited papers in many prestigious international journals. He has been co-editor of several Special Issues related to photonics technologies for sensing applications published in prestigious International journals as the case of IEEE Sensors, IEEE Photonics, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. He is Co-Editor of 7 international books and has 4 international patents with major industrial companies (Ansaldo STS, Alenia WASS, Optosmart and MdTEch) and more than 10 national patents. He actually serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Optics and Laser Technology (Elsevier) and as Associate Editor for the IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technologies and Journal of Photonic Sensors (Springer). He is a member of the technical committee of several international conferences such as IEEE Sensors, ICST, EWSHM, EWOFS. Prof. Cusano is cofounder of two spin-off companies “OptoSmart S.r.l.” (2005) and “Optoadvance” (2011) and has been consultant for major companies of the Finmeccanica group such as Ansaldo STS and Alenia WASS. He has also collaborations with CERN in Geneva where he is working on the development of innovative sensors for high energy physics applications. He received many international recognitions and awards for efforts in the development of innovative optical sensing systems and has been Principal Investigator of many national and international projects. Finally, in 2015, he was nominated Technical director of a public-private aggregation (Top-in Optoelectronic Technologies for Industry) including several national research centers, 3 big companies from Finmeccanica (actually Leonardo and Hitachi Group)and 11 SMEs.

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