Remote Presenter Guidelines

All remote attendees must register with the conference.

Remote attendees will be charged a 25% discount on the registration fee.

Oral talks

Remote presenters will provide a pre-recorded video in advance (12 min max).

Remote presenters will be given a zoom link to follow the conference.

Remote presenters will be available for Q&A at end of their talk.

Poster talks

Remote presenters will provide a pre-recorded video in advance (5 min max).

Remote presenters will be given a zoom link to follow the conference.

Tutorial speakers

No provision has been made for remote attendees to present a tutorial.

Workshop speakers

Remote presenters will provide a pre-recorded video in advance (24 min max).

Post-deadline papers

Remote presenters will provide a pre-recorded video in advance (12 min max).

Remote presenters will be given a zoom link to follow the conference.

Remote presenters will be available for Q&A at end of their talk.

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